Billionares and Guns...Money Talks

Gregory Kielma • August 6, 2024

Billionaires Laura and John Arnold – through Arnold Ventures, a Houston-based for-profit corporation are Anti Gun and funding Flawed Research

Laura and John Arnold

Billionaire Backing Biased Anti-Gun Research

“In this world, you get what you pay for,” said Kurt Vonnegut in Cat’s Cradle, his fourth novel. And when billionaire philanthropists are involved, Mr. Vonnegut is more than right. Nowadays, billionaires get exactly what they pay for. 

An investigation by the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project reveals how a former Enron trader and his wife are quietly paying millions of dollars every year to colleges, universities, think tanks and other groups for biased anti-gun research, which is then cited as gospel by the corporate media and used as propaganda by anyone who wants to infringe upon law-abiding Americans’ Second Amendment rights. 

Billionaires Laura and John Arnold – through Arnold Ventures, a Houston-based for-profit corporation the couple founded to “proactively achieve social change” and their nonprofit, the Laura and John Arnold Foundation – are quietly bankrolling research that promotes and supports their radical anti-gun views. Their Foundation has more than $3.5 billion in assets. 

Despite their predilection to work in secret, the couple’s actions have not gone unnoticed.  

“Arnold Ventures is the gun control backer most Americans have never heard of. They quietly work behind the scenes, unlike Michael Bloomberg. However, their influence on trying to shape gun control policy rivals that of the biggest backers of antigun efforts. They regularly donate money to think tanks and academia to propel biased research into the policy arena. Arnold Venture’s philanthropic outreach sounds well-intentioned, but they’re serving up snake oil when they peddle firearms as a disease,” Mark Oliva, public affairs director for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, said last week. 

The Arnolds’ massive financial clout creates an unholy alliance between grantor and grantee. Their paid researchers publish findings that support the couple’s views, or they risk the cash spigot being turned off and the loss of millions of dollars to their organization. 

When it comes to their donations, it is clear who determines where the money goes. 

“Laura and John established the Laura and John Arnold Foundation in 2010. They believe philanthropy should be transformational and should seek through innovation to solve persistent problems in society. As co-founders, Laura and John actively engage in the organization’s overall direction and daily execution,” the group’s website states. 

John Arnold started as a trader for Enron, according to Influence Watch. He quit before the company imploded and was never accused of wrongdoing. In addition to gun control, the couple supports health care reform, criminal justice reform, prison reform and several nonprofit media groups. 

The RAND Corporation is a major recipient of the Arnolds’ funding. RAND now maintains a gun-policy page. Much of their research is sponsored by the Arnolds. 

According to the Laura and John Arnold Foundation’s 2022 IRS form 990, the couple paid RAND at total of $2.8 million, of which $1.7 million was for anti-gun research, including: 
• $1,261,269 “to conduct research on how to reduce gun violence.” 
• $99,000 “to support the first national conference on gun violence prevention research.”
• $89,000 “to support a convening relating to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the Bruen case.” 
• $283,546 “to provide objective information about firearm violence and how state laws reduce or exacerbate this violence.” 
That same year, the couple paid more than $1.8 million for anti-gun research from other groups, including: 
• $28,040 to the National Opinion Research Center “to support the NORC expert panel on reducing gun violence and improving data infrastructure.” 
• $219,122 to the University of California at Berkeley “to evaluate the advance peace gun violence reduction program.” 
• $1,065,933 to Princeton University “to develop a research infrastructure that helps cities better understand and respond to waves of gun violence.” 
• $475,093 to the University of Maryland “to support the center for study and practice of violence reduction.” 

In total, the Foundation donated more than $185 million, according to their 2022 IRS Form 990.

Arnold Ventures public relations director, Angela Landers, declined to be interviewed for this story, arrange an interview with the Arnolds or discuss the gun-control research they funded. Instead, Landers chose to send a written statement, which is unedited and reprinted in its entirety:  

“Philanthropy can play a unique role in supporting research regarding the impact of many public policies, including those related to gun violence. In this instance, Arnold Ventures partnered with RAND Corp., a nonpartisan and widely respected research institution, to conduct scientific research that offers the public and policymakers a factual basis for developing fair and effective gun policies in the interest of public safety. Sound research is an important part of building evidence-based solutions,” Landers said in her statement. 

RAND’s Response 

While there were infrequent gun-related projects over the years, the RAND Corporation as a whole did not research “gun violence” until 2016, when there was a mass-shooting near their California office, according to Andrew R. Morral, PhD, a senior behavioral scientist at RAND and the Greenwald Family Chair in Gun Policy.

“A lot of our staff were rattled by it, as were RAND trustees and friends of RAND,” Morral told the Second Amendment Foundation last week. “They contacted our president and asked what we were going to do about it.” 

RAND set aside some internal funds because the work was not yet sponsored and investigated, Morral explained. In 2018, they released their first tranche of research.  

“Arnold Ventures picked it up and has funded us since then,” he said. 

Today, Arnold Ventures is RAND’s largest sponsor of gun-control research. Together with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the two groups pay RAND more than $1.5 million annually, Morral said. Federal grants from the National Institute of Health and the National Institute of Justice provide additional “gun-violence” research funding. 

None of RAND’s estimated 1,900 employees are researching gun-control full time, Morral said. Although he estimated between six to eight staffers are studying gun-control topics “as part of their research portfolios.” 

Morral denied that Arnold Ventures or any other donor interfered with their research.

“We are very careful to not allow that to happen,” he said. “We haven’t experienced any pressure and we have not been asked to share our findings with Arnold Ventures or any other sponsor. We aren’t held accountable for producing results in a certain direction. Our donors, generally, are interested in us being neutral and objective, which is part of the reason they came to RAND.”

Still, Morral acknowledged that their sponsors can use their research however they see fit.

“We realize it’s used for advocacy, of course. We’re producing scientific results. We can’t control how they’re used. People will use that in a variety of ways. Our results are used by both advocates for more restrictive gun laws as well as advocates for less restrictive gun laws.” 

Morral said RAND takes no position on the right to keep and bear arms. “We don’t have policy positions on that or on gun laws or anything else,” he said. “We don’t advocate. We don’t do any advocacy.” 

However, it is RAND’s opinion and Morral’s that “gun-violence” constitutes a public health crisis.

“I certainly think there’s a crisis in terms of the number of people dying and being injured each year,” he said. “The numbers are high enough to call that a crisis.” 

RAND, Morral said, stands by the validity of their gun-violence research, “subject to the limitations reported in our reports. All research has limitations, and we try to be upfront about that,” he said. 

RAND’s position on two frequent gun-control targets is clear, concise and published on its website. 
• Concealed-carry laws increase homicides rates: “Evidence shows that concealed carry laws – when states implement more permissive concealed carry laws, there’s a small increase in homicide rates. Our own research has found evidence of that – some suggestive evidence,” Morral said.  
• Stand-your-ground laws increase homicide rates: “The current evidence is that when states implement stand-your-ground laws, firearm homicide rates increase,” he said. 
RAND researchers published a report last Wednesday, which was funded by Arnold Ventures and a National Institute of Health grant, titled “State Policies Regulating Firearms and Changes in Firearm Mortality.”

Morral was one of the scientists involved in the project. 

The objective was to estimate the effects state firearm policies have on gun-related deaths. The researchers examined six policies: “background checks, minimum age, waiting periods, child access, concealed carry, and stand-your-ground laws.”

The findings were mixed. Child-access prevention laws can reduce gun deaths by 6%, and stand-your-ground laws can increase firearm deaths by 6%, the authors claimed.  

“Our finding that most of these individual state-level firearm policies have relatively modest and uncertain effect sizes reflects that each firearm policy is a small component of a complex system shaping firearm violence. However, we found that combinations of the studied policies were reliably associated with substantial shifts in firearm mortality,” the authors noted. 

All of the authors – Terry L. Schell, PhD; Rosanna Smart, PhD; Matthew Cefalu, PhD; Beth Ann Griffin, PhD and Morral – work for RAND at either its Santa Monica, California, or Arlington, Virginia, offices. 

All of the authors except Morral disclosed conflicts of interest: “Dr Schell reported receiving grants from Arnold Ventures and National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism during the conduct of the study. Dr Smart reported receiving grants from Arnold Ventures and the National Institutes of Health during the conduct of the study. Dr Cefalu reported receiving grants from Arnold Ventures during the conduct of the study. Dr Griffin reported receiving grants from Arnold Ventures during the conduct of the study. No other disclosures were reported.”

The authors claimed that neither Arnold Ventures not the NIH exercised any control of their work.

“The funders had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit the manuscript for publication,” the report states. 

RAND’s NIH Grant of $790,100 was awarded Sept. 25, 2020, and is ongoing.  

“Don’t Get Mad About Guns …” 

Three months ago, the Trace – the propaganda arm of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun empire – announced they were creating a Gun Violence Data Hub, which would “help journalists access data on one of America’s most critical – and opaque – public health crises.”

“The Data Hub is a multiyear project to increase the accessibility and use of accurate data on gun violence in journalism. Its team of editors, reporters and researchers will proactively collect and clean datasets for public distribution, write and share tip sheets, and serve as a resource desk to other newsrooms, assisting journalists in their pursuit of data-informed reporting,” the Trace reported.

Arnold Ventures was one of the Data Hub’s top sponsors. 

To be clear, Arnold Ventures has radical anti-gun views. The group believes “firearm violence” constitutes a public health crisis. “Gun violence,” it claims, has become the leading cause of death of “young people,” not children, the group states on its website. By referring to young people rather than children, they can include 18- to 20-year-olds in their data set to make the numbers work. 
Arnold Ventures wants to bridge the gap in anti-gun research, which they say was created by the 1996 Dickey Amendment, which prohibits the federal government from conducting anti-gun research. 

Don’t Get Mad About Guns — Get Funding for Research, the group offers on its website.  

“It isn’t enough to get mad about gun violence,” Asheley Van Ness, Arnold Ventures former director of criminal justice, wrote in The Houston Chronicle.“Change starts with adequate funding for research, or else policymakers may end up spending time and money on programs that simply don’t work.”

In 2018, to streamline its funding efforts, Arnold Ventures launched the National Collaborative on Gun Violence Research (NCGVR). Its mission is to “fund and disseminate nonpartisan, scientific research that offers the public and policymakers a factual basis for developing fair and effective gun policies.”

“At Arnold Ventures, we use our resources to confront some of the most pressing problems facing our nation,” Arnold Ventures President and CEO Kelli Rhee stated on the group’s website. “Five years ago, we, like many others, recognized that our understanding of gun violence was suffering from a severe lack of investment in research, and we joined together with our partners to try and fill some of the gap. While more investment from both public and private entities is undoubtedly needed, the National Collaborative on Gun Violence Research has made significant progress in building the gun policy evidence base.”

Since 2022, the NCGVR has issued more than 50 grants, including “13 dissertation research projects and seven post-doctoral research fellowships, as well as awards for large new studies on domestic gun violence, officer-involved shootings, harms to firearm owners associated with gun laws, gun suicides, gun policy analysis and urban gun violence.”

Arnold Ventures chose RAND to administer the NCGVR, and RAND put Morral in charge. Today, Morral co-leads the NCGVR, which he says brings RAND “a couple hundred-thousand dollars per year.”
“It was an opportunity to improve research in the field,” Morral told the Second Amendment Foundation. “It was something that seemed like an interesting project to work to elevate. There wasn’t much research going on, and it was an area we were trying to make some headway in with our own funding. We recognized there was a gap in knowledge about gun policy that wasn’t being studied.” 


There is certainly nothing unlawful about a well-heeled couple sponsoring gun-control research or research of any kind. The Arnolds are free to spend their millions as they see fit. However, since their largesse can negatively impact the civil rights of millions of law-abiding Americans, the Arnolds should be prepared to answer for their philanthropy. 

The couple has created a pipeline of sorts, cash goes in one end and anti-gun propaganda comes out the other. 

The risks they’ve created are dire. 

“When a cable TV news actor cites some farcical statistic about guns or gun owners, it’s important to understand how that number made it onto the teleprompter,” said Second Amendment Foundation founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “It starts with donor dollars sent to researchers at left-leaning colleges, universities or other groups, who publish reports that mirror their donors’ views, which are then regurgitated by the corporate media. It’s a factory-like process. We don’t have anything like that. We don’t need it. We simply rely upon the truth.” 

The Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project wouldn’t be possible without you. Click here to make a tax-deductible donation to support pro-gun stories like this.

By Gregory Kielma February 21, 2025
What are the states that infringe on your Second Amendment rights? Gregg Kielma FFL-Firearms- Instructor First Aid Fundamentals Instructor-Gunsmith- AED Defibrillator Sales Says Firearms Instructor and FFL Gregg Kielma “What do all these states have in common? I bet everyone knows the answer. Here are the top 18, from bad to the most egregious: 18. Colorado: 17. Iowa: 16. Oregon: 15. Virginia: 14. Washington: 13. North-Carolina: 12. Delaware: 11. Michigan: 10. Pennsylvania: 9. Illinois: 8.Hawaii: 7. Rhode-Island: 6. New-York: 5. Maryland: 4. Connecticut: 3. Massachusetts: 2. New-Jersey: 1. California:
By Gregory Kielma February 20, 2025
2-Year-Old Tragically Shoots Himself and Dies In Florida Gregg Kielma FFL-Firearms- Instructor First Aid Fundamentals Instructor-Gunsmith- AED Defibrillator Sales No excuse for this kind of “accident”, says FFL and Firearms instructor Gregg Kielma . I’m truly saddened by the boyfriend and girlfriend letting a child “play with a firearm let alone it not be secured in the home. These tragedies do not and should not ever happen, period. Kielma continues, if you’re a parent who owns firearms with children in the home, and you don’t understand how to teach them firearm safety at a very young age you’re doing a disservice to you and your children. Classes are readily available through the USCCA and instructors like me who specialize in this type of training. Lastly Kielma says, firearms protect our families in the right hands. Educate yourself, your family and children. Get the proper instruction and training from instructors like me and the USCCA. Let’s Take A Look A 2-year-old child was playing with a gun while in the bedroom with his mom in their Florida home. The mother, leaving the child to toy with the lethal weapon, wasn't paying attention. The gun then discharged and shot the child. The boy was declared dead at the scene. The gun belonged to the woman's fiancée. It had been left unsecured and within arm’s reach of the child. Because of this, the 2-year-old was able to shoot himself. In Florida, the law states that a weapon must be secured and locked away. Consequently, the parents of the child will be held responsible. The police chief released a statement. "This is Florida, and you know Floridians like their guns - and that's wonderful. However, responsible gun ownership cannot be understated. Guns have to be locked up and secure." 2-Year-Old Shot Himself Is One Of Thousands In 2021 there were 2,590 deaths by shooting for children under 17 in the US, according to the Pew Research Center. This is due to a few factors, including suicides, mass shootings, and of course, accidental situations like this. The 2-year-old fits into a specific category of child shooting fatality. In this case, the child was playing with a gun, resulting in them shooting themselves. This accidental shooting category has more than a thousand cases a year. Unattended weapons in the US are a huge cause of injury and death in children. With the sheer number of guns in the country, people become blase about them. In cases like this, the deadly weapon is left lying around unsecured. Nobody can blame a child for picking the weapon up thinking it was a toy. The 2-year-old that shot themselves were behaving like any other kid would. Curiosity got the better of him or her, and the negligence of the parent led to his death. In Florida, the law states that a gun must be locked and secured. But, in other states, this is often not the case. Gregg Kielma FFL-Firearms- Instructor First Aid Fundamentals Instructor-Gunsmith- AED Defibrillator Sales
By Gregory Kielma February 19, 2025
If a police officer is alone and fighting a person, how do I let the officer know that I’m there to help him/her and not make him/her think I’m going to attack them? From an Avid Reader of The Blog: What Would You Do? He or she will be focused on the fight. If you KNOW you can be some help, just dive in. Grab an arm or other flailing appendage and help control the person. Do not pull a knife or gun unless it’s clearly already a deadly force situation. Now is not the time to figure out how to use the 9mm that you bought to carry but have never shot. I would also add one caution though: it’s not without risks. You could be hurt or killed doing this, and you’re on your own when it comes to paying your bills. | In addition, you could end up sued. It happened to a friend of mine. 2am at a lonely country gas station. Deputy pulls over some guy likely high on meth, they get into it. The guy is clearly about to get the better of the deputy and is pulling on his holstered firearm. So, my friend got the meth dude from behind in a full nelson and took him to the ground. They stayed there until more deputies arrived. He was never on top of the guy and never put a mark on him. Deputies arrived, it took four taser hits and five cops to get the guy in handcuffs and in a car. Three months later, the guy found an attorney and sued him for a million dollars for excessive force. And yeah, he included my friend on the lawsuit. So, he had to hire an attorney and pay a lot of money before they finally let him out of it. The moral of that story is that if you are ever inclined to help in that situation, it’s best if you just hop back in your car and make like it never happened once they have it contained.
By Gregory Kielma February 19, 2025
Neighbor’s reports gun stash to the ATF because no civilian needs that many. From an Avid Reader of the Blog: What do you Think? Colin Graham is our latest anti-gun crusader who believes he will change the world. Many have come before you and you think you are the torchbearer for change that if you rail against guns long and loud enough, others will flock to your cause. This is the most charitable description I can come up with. Another involves describing a pustulant troll. Regardless, I know this question is utter bovine excrement, smelly and piled high, for one very simple reason… I’ve actually had the BATFE in my house looking at my gun collection! If my “gun stash” was a problem, I’d know it. I know there are no legal limits to the number of firearms one may possess. Know it rather well. Now I’m above-average but not exemplary in that regard. I know there is no hotline to call because there is nothing to report. No law is violated even if I have guns stacked floor-to-ceiling in every available space. So, Colin, why don’t you point out the law you think is being violated? Or crawl back under your bridge, rock, sewer or wherever your breed of pathetic troll considers its natural habitat because it sure isn’t the civilized world I live in!
By Gregory Kielma February 19, 2025
SWAT team found drugs and a gun. Now Bradenton man is headed to prison, prosecutors say By Michael Moore Jr., A Bradenton man is headed to prison after pleading guilty to firearms and drug charges, the United States Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida announced. A federal judge sentenced Terry Lavon McDonald Jr., 32, to seven years and six months in prison for possession of a firearm or ammunition by a convicted felon, possession with intent to distribute cocaine and fentanyl and possession of a firearm for a drug trafficking crime, according to a news release. The sentence comes after McDonald previously pleaded guilty to the charges in November, federal prosecutors say. The court also ordered McDonald to forfeit a Smith & Wesson handgun and ammunition. McDonald faced a mandatory minimum penalty of five years with a maximum penalty of up to life in federal prison, the Bradenton Herald previously reported . Bradenton man arrested during Manatee County SWAT raid In October 2023, the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office SWAT team raided a Bradenton house in the 3300 block of 20th Street East, where they found McDonald inside a white Ford Explorer backed into the driveway, according to arrest records. After searching the vehicle, detectives say they found a loaded black nickel-plated Smith & Wesson handgun, fentanyl, cocaine and a digital scale. Law enforcement said they found 20.8 grams of rock cocaine and 4.4 grams of powder cocaine, the Bradenton Herald previously reported. Detectives say after running McDonald’s criminal history, they found he had 14 felony charges with six convictions, including previous firearms charges, drug-related charges and fleeing or attempting to elude law enforcement.
By Gregory Kielma February 19, 2025
Multiple Defendant Indicted on Federal Gun Charges Tuesday, February 11, 2025 U.S. Attorney's Office, Southern District of Georgia Cases include illegal machine gun possession. DON"T DO IT! Soon or Later You're Going to Jail! SAVANNAH, GA: Newly returned indictments in the Southern District of Georgia include charges alleging felons illegally possessed firearms, while other defendants have been sentenced to federal prison or await further proceedings after pleading guilty to federal gun charges. “Getting guns out of the hands of those who can’t legally possess them is a vital part of the effort to reduce violent crime,” said Tara M. Lyons, Acting U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Georgia. “We applaud our law enforcement partners for their diligent work in keeping our communities safe.” The cases are prosecuted as part of Project Safe Neighborhoods in collaboration with federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, including the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and the FBI, to reduce violent crime with measures that include targeting convicted felons who illegally possess guns. Those indicted in February include: • Taron Charleston, 20, of Dublin, Georgia, charged with Illegal Possession of a Machine Gun • Shanan Lee Grover, 35, of Wrightsville, Ga., charged with Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon; • Timothy Lee Cheeks, 37, of Augusta, charged with Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon; • Charles Harmon Porter, 54, of Savannah, charged with Possession of Ammunition by a Convicted Felon. Also previously indicted are: • Stephen Joseph Sala, 33, of Augusta, charged with Possession of an Unregistered Firearm (referring to a short-barreled rifle) • Jahmz Ransom, 24, of Savannah, charged with Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon. All indicted defendants are considered innocent unless and until proven guilty. Defendants recently adjudicated on federal firearms charges include: • Nathan Sparks, 27, of Savannah, was sentenced to 130 months in prison after pleading guilty to Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon. Savannah police found a pistol in Sparks’ waistband during a traffic stop. • Darnell Harold Miller, 25, of Savannah, was sentenced to 120 months in prison after pleading guilty to Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon. Savannah police in January 2024 found Miller in possession of a pistol while investigating a domestic disturbance. • Barry Christopher Carpenter, 44, of Gainesville, Ga., was sentenced to 84 months in prison and fined $2,000 after pleading guilty to Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon. Carpenter was arrested on state charges in Columbia County during a burglary investigation and found to be in possession of two firearms. • Corinthian Lamar Colonel, 26, of Savannah, was sentenced to 70 months in prison after pleading guilty to Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon. Officers from the Savannah Police Department and the Georgia Department of Community Supervision found two firearms in Colonel’s residence during a September 2023 search. • Maleak J. Parrish, 24, of Savannah, was sentenced to 57 months in prison after pleading guilty to Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon. Savannah police fund a pistol in Parrish’s possession during a traffic stop. • Eddie Robertson, 30, of Savannah, was sentenced to 52 months in prison and fined $1,500 after pleading guilty to Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon. Savannah police officers found Robertson in possession of a handgun after a December 2023 traffic stop and foot chase. • Anthony Orlando Jones, 34, of Augusta, was sentenced to 46 months in prison and fined $1,500 after pleading guilty to Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon. Richmond County deputies and the U.S. Marshals found Jones in possession of a semiautomatic pistol in November 2023 while serving him with an arrest warrant on a state felony charge. • Pedro Walker, 24, of Savannah, was sentenced to 46 months in prison after pleading guilty to Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon. Savannah police officers investigating a reported disturbance found Walker had been in possession of a pistol. • Willie Dunbar, 45, of Villa Rica, Georgia, was sentenced to 37 months in prison and fined $2,000 after pleading guilty to Possession of a Machine Gun. During a January traffic stop, Wheeler County deputies found Dunbar in possession of a Polymer80 “ghost gun” fitted with a device converting it to automatic fire. • Deleon Alexander Jackson, 23, of Augusta, was sentenced to 21 months in prison and fined $1,000 after pleading guilty to Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon. Richmond County deputies found Jackson in possession of a rifle while investigating a reported disturbance at an Augusta store. • Stanley Hall, 22, of Savannah, was sentenced to 71 months in prison after pleading guilty to Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon. Savannah police found Hall in possession of a handgun while investigating a reported attempted vehicle break-in. • Lemar Neil Robinson, 36, of Savannah, awaits sentencing after pleading guilty to Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon. Georgia state troopers and Savannah police found Robinson in possession of a pistol after a vehicle chase and traffic stop. The cases are being prosecuted for the United States by the Southern District of Georgia U.S. Attorney’s Office. Under federal law, it is illegal for an individual to possess a firearm if he or she falls into one of nine prohibited categories including being a felon; illegal alien; or unlawful user of a controlled substance. Further, it is unlawful to possess a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking offense or violent crime. It is also illegal to purchase – or even to attempt to purchase – firearms if the buyer is a prohibited person or illegally purchasing a firearm on behalf of others. Lying on ATF Form 4473, which is used to lawfully purchase a firearm, also is a federal offense. For more information from the ATF on the lawful purchasing of firearms, please see: Contact Barry L. Paschal, Public Affairs Officer: 912-652-4422 Updated February 11, 2025
By Gregory Kielma February 16, 2025
Ardmore Resident Sentenced For Unlawful Dealing In Firearms Thursday, February 13, 2025 U.S. Attorney's Office, Eastern District of Oklahoma MUSKOGEE, OKLAHOMA – The United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Oklahoma announced that David Haskell Moore, age 69, of Ardmore, Oklahoma, was sentenced to five years of probation and 12 months of home detention for one count of Dealing Firearms Without a License. The charges arose from an investigation by U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. On May 9, 2024, Moore pleaded guilty to illegally dealing in firearms. According to investigators, on September 6, 2023, U.S. border agents at the Port of Entry in Donna, Texas, discovered 268 guns hidden behind the wall panel of a utility trailer attempting to gain entry into Mexico. ATF agents investigating the weapons cache traced 24 of the firearms to purchases originally made by Moore from legitimate dealers throughout Oklahoma and Texas. Moore then resold the firearms. At the time of the incident, Moore was not licensed to deal in firearms and had been served a cease-and-desist letter in 2018 by ATF agents warning him not to sell firearms without a Federal Firearms License. “ATF’s commitment to keeping illegal firearms out of the hands of those that shouldn’t have them knows no boundaries. As this case proves, Mr. Moore was knowingly dealing firearms without a license, many of which were eventually found in the hands of criminals throughout the United States. Together with our partners, we will continue to work tirelessly to protect our communities from violent firearm crime,” stated ATF Dallas Field Division Special Agent in Charge Jeffrey C. Boshek II. “I commend the work of ATF agents, border patrol, and federal prosecutors in their efforts to reduce the unlawful trade of firearms,” said United States Attorney Christopher J. Wilson. The Honorable Ronald A. White, Chief U.S. District Judge in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Oklahoma, presided over the hearing in Muskogee, Oklahoma. Assistant U.S. Attorney Lewis M. Reagan represented the United States. Updated February 13, 2025
By Gregory Kielma February 16, 2025
Individuals from Staten Island and Florida Charged with Firearms Trafficking Conspiracy and Illegal Possession of Machine Guns Friday, February 14, 2025 U.S. Attorney's Office, Eastern District of New York Defendants 3D-Printed More Than 25 Untraceable “Ghost Guns,” Including at Least 10 Machine Gun Conversion Devices Earlier today, a nine-count superseding indictment was unsealed in federal court in Brooklyn charging Justin Nudelman, his brother Brandon Nudelman, Ronnie Mershon and Michael Daddea with conspiracy to traffic firearms, conspiracy to obstruct justice, possession of machine guns and related firearms counts. Three defendants were arrested this morning. Brandon Nudelman and Mershon are being arraigned this afternoon in Brooklyn before United States Magistrate Judge James R. Cho, and Daddea is making his initial appearance in federal court in Tampa, Florida for removal proceedings to Brooklyn. Justin Nudelman had previously been charged with possession of machine guns and unregistered firearms in the underlying indictment and will be arraigned at a later date. John J. Durham, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, Bryan Miller, Special Agent in Charge, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, New York Division (ATF), and Jessica S. Tisch, Commissioner, New York City Police Department (NYPD), announced the charges. “The defendants’ use of 3D printers to make untraceable, fully automatic weapons poses an extremely serious threat to public safety,” stated United States Attorney Durham. “My Office and our federal and local partners are working tirelessly to protect our communities by preventing these guns from making their way into the hands of violent criminals.” Mr. Durham expressed his appreciation to the United States Secret Service and the NYPD Intelligence Division’s Major Case Team and Intelligence Analytical Team for their work on the case. “Illegally manufacturing and distributing privately made firearms and machine gun conversion devices is a direct threat to public safety,” stated ATF New York Special Agent in Charge Miller. “This indictment underscores our unwavering commitment to identifying, disrupting, and dismantling the flow of illegal firearms that fuels violence in our communities. Through strong collaboration with our law enforcement partners, we are taking proactive action against those who endanger public safety. We commend the work of ATF New York, NYPD Ghost Gun Team, ATF Tampa, United States Secret Service, N.Y. State Police, Pennsylvania State Police, Richmond County DA’s office and EDNY. Every illegal firearm taken off the streets is a step toward protecting innocent lives and ensuring safer neighborhoods. We remain steadfast in our mission to combat gun violence.” “These individuals thought they could evade law enforcement by using 3D printers to churn out illegal ghost guns and endanger our streets — but they were wrong” stated NYPD Commissioner Tisch. “The NYPD, along with the ATF, the office of the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, and all our partners, will not tolerate criminals wreaking havoc in New York City with untraceable, deadly weapons — and we will bring down anyone brazen enough to try.” As alleged in the superseding indictment and in court filings, between approximately January 2023 and September 2023, the defendants conspired to illegally manufacture and traffic firearms. Mershon and Justin Nudelman used 3D printers and parts sourced from online retailers to assemble privately made firearms, commonly called “ghost guns.” These 3D-printed firearms included at least 10 devices called “auto sears,” which convert semi-automatic guns into fully automatic weapons and are considered machine guns under federal law. The defendants made firearms that did not have a serial number, unregistered ghost guns that they assembled available for sale without obtaining a license or otherwise notifying government authorities. To date, 23 firearms have already been seized, and the investigation has revealed that the defendants made numerous others. Justin Nudelman and Brandon Nudelman are also charged with conspiracy to obstruct justice. As alleged, on September 7, 2023, law enforcement officers sought to seize Justin Nudelman’s phone pursuant to a judicially authorized search warrant. Both Justin and Brandon Nudelman took steps to conceal the phone and render its contents inaccessible to law enforcement. The charges in the superseding indictment are allegations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. If convicted the defendants each face a maximum sentence of 20 years’ imprisonment. Trial Attorney Arun Bodapati is in charge of the prosecution with assistance from Paralegal Specialist David Harrison. The Defendants: JUSTIN NUDELMAN Age: 30 Staten Island, New York BRANDON NUDELMAN Age: 32 Staten Island, New York RONNIE MERSHON Age: 27 Staten Island, New York MICHAEL DADDEA Age: 29 Tampa, Florida E.D.N.Y. Docket No. 23-CR-437(S-1) (AMD) Contact John Marzulli Danielle Blustein Hass United States Attorney’s Office (718) 254-6323
By Gregory Kielma February 16, 2025
Summers County Man Sentenced to Prison for Federal Gun Crimes Friday, February 14, 2025 U.S. Attorney's Office, Southern District of West Virginia BECKLEY, W.Va. – Matthew Harris England, 38, of Meadow Bridge, was sentenced today to one year and eight months in prison, to be followed by three years of supervised release, for being a felon in possession of a firearm and possession of an unregistered short-barreled shotgun. According to court documents and statements made in court, on April 3, 2023, law enforcement responded to reports of a domestic disturbance at England’s residence in Meadow Bridge. When law enforcement entered the residence, they found and seized a Savage model Stevens 94F, 20-gauge shotgun with a modified and shortened barrel and a modified and shortened stock on a chair in the living room. England was arrested, and told officers he knew the firearm was in the residence and that the length of its barrel appeared to be illegal. The short-barreled shotgun was not registered to England in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record as required by federal law. Federal law also prohibits a person with a prior felony conviction from possessing a firearm or ammunition. England knew he was prohibited from possessing a firearm because of his prior felony convictions for aiding and abetting the possession of stolen firearms in United States District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia on May 9, 2014. United States Attorney Will Thompson made the announcement and commended the investigative work of the Summers County Sheriff’s Department, the West Virginia State Police, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Chief United States District Judge Frank W. Volk imposed the sentence. Assistant United States Attorney Lesley C. Shamblin prosecuted the case. This case is part of Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN), a program bringing together all levels of law enforcement and the communities they serve to reduce violent crime and gun violence, and to make our neighborhoods safer for everyone. On May 26, 2021, the Department launched a violent crime reduction strategy strengthening PSN based on these core principles: fostering trust and legitimacy in our communities, supporting community-based organizations that help prevent violence from occurring in the first place, setting focused and strategic enforcement priorities, and measuring the results. A copy of this press release is located on the website of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of West Virginia. Related court documents and information can be found on PACER by searching for Case No. 5:23-cr-93. Updated February 14, 2025
By Gregory Kielma February 16, 2025
Idaho Man A Convicted Felon Sentenced To 18 Months For Possessing A Firearm In Checked Luggage Friday, February 7, 2025 U.S. Attorney’s Office, Middle District of Florida Says FFL and Firearms Instructor Gregg Kielma, “this felon should be in jail for a long, long, time. Throw away the key”! Brilliance is not his attributes . Jacksonville, FL – U.S. District Judge Wendy Berger sentenced Dedric Dwayne Rivers (52, Moscow, Idaho) to 18 months in federal prison for possessing a firearm and ammunition after having been convicted of a felony. Rivers pled guilty on October 22, 2024. According to court documents, on April 27, 2024, Rivers arrived at Jacksonville International Airport to board a flight traveling to Idaho. During a routine screening process of checked luggage Transportation Security Administration officers identified an undeclared firearm and ammunition located in a checked suitcase bearing Rivers’ name. Law enforcement cut the cables to the gun case inside the suitcase and found an undeclared FN509 9mm semi-automatic pistol with a magazine containing 10 rounds of live ammunition inserted into the magazine well. The gun case also contained three extended magazines loaded with 70 rounds of live ammunition distributed among the three magazines. In a voluntary interview, Rivers said he thought the gun case only contained ammunition. However, in a telephone conversation the next day, Rivers admitted to his mother that he had previously travelled with a firearm to Jacksonville, Florida. Prior to possessing the firearm, Rivers had had been convicted of multiple felonies, including kidnapping, armed robbery, and aggravated assault. Therefore, he is prohibited by law from possessing firearms and ammunition. This case was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Transportation Security Administration, the Jacksonville Airport Authority, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. It was prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Kelly S. Milliron. This case is part of the Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN), a program bringing together all levels of law enforcement and the communities they serve to reduce violent crime and gun violence, and to make our neighborhoods safer for everyone. On May 26, 2021, the Department launched a violent crime reduction strategy strengthening PSN based on these core principles: fostering trust and legitimacy in our communities, supporting community-based organizations that help prevent violence for occurring in the first place, setting focused and strategic enforcement priorities, and measuring the results. Updated February 7, 2025
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